Reverie House rules

Last updated: December 2, 2023

Please read these terms and conditions carefully and be guided by them during your stay at Reverie Villa.


Check-in time is at 3 PM, and check-out time is at 11 AM. Please adhere to these times unless prior arrangements have been made.


Maximum occupancy is strictly limited to 10 guests. No additional guests are allowed on the premises without prior approval.

Noise and Neighborhood Courtesy:

Please respect our neighbors by keeping noise levels low, especially between 10 PM and 8 AM.
No loud parties or events are permitted.

Smoking Policy:

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the villa. Designated smoking areas are available outside.

Pet Policy:

Pets are not allowed unless specific arrangements have been made in advance.

Safety and Security:

Keep doors and windows locked when not in the villa.
Familiarize yourself with emergency exits and safety equipment.

Damage and Breakages:

Please treat the villa with care. Any damage or breakages must be reported and may be subject to charges.

Cleaning and Maintenance:

While the villa is fully staffed and a final clean is included in your stay, we expect the villa to be kept in a reasonable state of cleanliness.

Pool and Outdoor Area:

No glassware is allowed in the pool area.
Children must be supervised at all times near the pool.

Internet and Electronics Usage:

Free Wi-Fi is provided. Illegal downloading or inappropriate use is strictly prohibited.
Please use the provided electronics responsibly. 

Energy Saving:

Please be mindful of energy usage. Turn off lights, air conditioning, and electronics when not in use or leaving the villa.

Lost Items:

We are not responsible for any personal belongings left behind. Items found will be kept for 30 days for retrieval.


In case of emergency, please use the provided contacts for immediate assistance.

Compliance and Eviction:

Failure to comply with house rules may result in immediate eviction without refund.